8 Mar 2023
International Women's Day 2023 - My story: Becky Young

Tell us about your career to date and how you got to your current role in Monahans
Following A levels I had a false start at a Law Degree (lasted 1 day) and then spent a year working in a factory packing Truprint envelopes for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. This was enough to convince me that I needed to go back to University and I then completed a Business Studies degree. Still having no real idea of what career I wanted, I applied for a variety of roles and ended up working for Pearson May in Bath as a trainee accountant. I started out studying for ICAEW but switched to ACCA after the first 2 exams. The 2 years at Pearson May and then 3 years at Clear Vision (formerly Robson Taylor) in Corsham were spent working as an auditor and these 5 years were enough for me! After having my first daughter in 2006 I started working at Monahans and this was where I stayed for 12 years. Most of this time was spent as a Client Portfolio Manager and I found that I enjoyed the variety of this type of role much more.
Between 2018 and 2022, feeling brave, I teamed up with a colleague and we started a small accountancy firm of our own, switching to ACA by completing the final case study paper. Building the business from scratch was an amazing experience and while it was incredibly hard work, it is one that I will never regret. Having passed the baton on to another ex-colleague in 2022 I returned to Monahans and was promoted to Director on 1 Jan 2023.
Who has had the biggest impact on your career?
I have been extremely lucky throughout my career to have worked with some incredibly supportive individuals who have made it possible for me to take a variety of different directions. When someone shows faith in you it is extremely motivating and this has given me the confidence to take steps that I may not have thought myself capable of.
What do you wish you’d known about yourself when you were starting your career?
I wish I had had the confidence earlier on in my career to value myself and the contribution that I can make. Self-doubt just holds you back. This isn’t a mindset that can change over-night but just being aware of this would have helped me view certain situations or possible opportunities with more of an open mind.
What advice would you give to someone who is in the early stages of their career?
Take every opportunity that you are offered in the early stages of your career and get as much variety as possible in your experience. You never know when you will hit on that area of work that really interests you. Always ask for help if you are struggling and learn from those around you. Make as many contacts as you can along the way and always leave doors open!
Becky Young