20 May 2019
Glastonbury office chooses charity "Guide Dogs for the Blind" for 2019

Our Glastonbury office has announced it has chosen "Guide Dogs for the Blind" as it's Charity of the Year for 2019/2020.
As well as training and providing guide dogs for those with sight loss, Guide Dogs for the Blind supports over 200,000 people every year through a range of services for children and adults, such as large print books, technology aids and grants, sighted guiding, and education and family support.
Guide Dogs for the Blind supports and trains over 5,000 guide dogs a year, with puppies looked after by volunteers during their training. Wells-based volunteer Anne Skinner trains and walks puppies as well as leads local fundraising for the charity and speaks at events on the charity.
She was named Guide Dogs for Blind’s Overall Volunteer of the Year in 2018. Anne said: “We are so grateful to Monahans for choosing Guide Dogs as their Charity of the year - working in partnership with local businesses helps us to raise awareness of Guide Dogs life-changing services and helps us reach those who are in really in need of our help.”
The office will now embark on a programme of fundraising activities, the highlight of which will be the Glastonbury Quiz in October. This quiz brings together the town’s top business brains in a fun-filled evening which always raises at least £1,000 for charity, and is also generously supported by other local businesses donating their time, services and raffle prizes.
Stephen Fry, our Glastonbury partner, said: “Every year we choose a local charity to fund raise for as an office, and we are very pleased to have chosen Guide Dogs for the Blind, which proved to be a very popular vote with colleagues.
“We are all looking forward to another year of fundraising, which will, of course, include the Glastonbury Quiz, but will also be supplemented by competitions and events within the office.”